副教授、硕士生导师,外语教育教学研究中心主任。2010年大连外国语大学英语专业本科毕业,2012年美国哥伦比亚大学对外英语教学硕士毕业,2021年香港中文大学教育学博士毕业。2019—2020年美国亚利桑那州立大学短期访学。近五年来,以第一或通讯作者身份在应用语言学、教育学及心理学等研究领域发表了近10篇高水平SSCI期刊论文,代表期刊包括语言学一区期刊Language Teaching Research, System, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development和Applied Linguistic Review;担任多本SSCI一、二区期刊审稿人,兼任美国应用语言学协会(AAAL)会员、美国教育研究协会(AERA)会员、香港应用语言学学会(HAAL)会员;多次参加美国应用语言学年会(AAAL)、美国教育研究协会年会(AERA)、外语写作教学与研究国际研讨会等应用语言学领域国内外顶级学术会议并宣读论文。
电子邮箱:[email protected]
(* 为通讯作者)
Shen, B., & Bai, B. (2022). Chinese university students’ self-regulated writing strategy use and EFL writing performance: Influences of self-efficacy, gender, and major. Applied Linguistic Review, ahead of print, 1–28. //doi.org/10.1515/applirev-2020-0103. (SSCI Q1)
Weng, F., &Shen, B.* (2022). Language assessment literacy of teachers. Frontiers in Psychology,13, 864582, 1–7.//doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.864582. (SSCI Q1)
Jiang, MY-C., Jong, MS-Y., Wu, N., Shen, B.*, Chai, C-S., Lau, WW-F., & Huang, B. (2022). Integrating automatic speech recognition technology into vocabulary learning in a flipped English class for Chinese college students. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 902429, 1–16. //doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.902429.(SSCI Q1)
Wang, Y., Shen, B.*, & Yu, X. (2021). A latent profile analysis of EFL learners’ self-efficacy: Associations with academic emotions and language proficiency. System, 103, 102633, 1–12. //doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2021.102633 (SSCI Q1)
Bai, B., Shen, B.*, & Wang, J. (2021). Impacts of social and emotional learning (SEL) on English learning achievements in Hong Kong secondary schools. Language Teaching Research, 1–25. //doi.org/10.1177/13621688211021736 (SSCI Q1)
Shen, B., Bai, B., & Park, M. (2020). Exploring Hong Kong primary students’ English writing motivation: Relationships between writing self-efficacy and task value. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. 1–15. //doi.org/10.1080/01434632.2020.1823397 (SSCI Q1)
Bai, B., Shen, B.*, & Mei, H. (2020). Hong Kong primary students' self-regulated writing strategy use: Influences of gender, writing proficiency, and grade level. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 65, 100839, 1–11. //doi.org/10.1016/j.stueduc.2020.100839 (SSCI Q2)
Shen, B., Bai, B., &Xue, W. (2020). The effects of peer assessment on learner autonomy: An empirical study in a Chinese college English writing class. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 64, 100821, 1–10.//doi.org/10.1016/j.stueduc.2019.100821 (SSCI Q2)
Shen, B., & Bai, B. (2019). Facilitating university teachers’ continuing professional development through peer-assisted research and implementation team work in China. Journal of Education for Teaching, 45(4), 476–480.
//doi.org/10.1080/02607476.2019.1639265 (SSCI Q1)
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